the third day we went to Galeria Pacifico, a famous shopping mall in Buenos Aires. It was really nice build, a little like the Casa Rosada, just as a shopping mall. It was nice being there, but the shops werent really what i expected and i didnt buy anything. after that i convinced my hostmom to go to palermo soho again, because i loooooove it! there we went to eat lunch in a very biological restaurant, which i really enjoyed, the food was vegetarian and very healthy, delfi really didnt like it, she prefers eating lunch in places like burger king. then we went to spend money, in other words shopping, i needed a dress for a friends 15th birthday, but didnt find anything, they were all like 100 euros and more :o. that was our last day in buenos aires so i decided spontaneous to invite delfi and ines for a coffee. i ordered a submarino, of course (:
this was not my last post about buenos aires, even though i told you about every day by now. there are just so many photos id like to share with you, and that i will share with you. by the way, whoever wants to go to buenos aires, watchout! they stole my friends bag in mcdonalds. i was so lucky that it was not mine, because it was right next to my friends bag....
delfi not enjoying the food at all |
Buenos Aries seems so cool! sounds like you're having fun
im in love with buenos aires! and im having alot of fun here (: xo