Saturday, 16 July 2011

Atzaro Fashionshow

those are photos from last thursday, i participated in a fashion show! i must say it was kinda creepy but really fun! i always enjoy when the makeup artist puts make up on me, its so realaxing, i dont have to do anything, apart from closing my eyes and not move, but after i look pretty and i didnt need to do anything! iwas soo nervous before going on the catwalk, but as soon i was on it i just did what i needed to do and it felt so comfortable, like it was the only thing i ever did in my life. it was my first fashion show but i can proudly say that some people told me i walked well, which means alooooooot to me!
hope you like the photos mama took. (:  sleep tight!


  1. Wow ! Du musst mir alle einzelheiten erzählen, wenn du kommst :)

  2. danke (: hat auch sehr sehr viel spaß gemacht! xo

  3. These images are absolutely marvellous xxx
    Loving the cat wiskers

  4. thank yyou! yeah the make up artist was reaaaaally good (: xoxo

  5. dankeschön für das liebe kommentar! du bist echt schön! :*
