Thursday, 31 March 2011


well, i wore this outfit last saturday when i went to majas.   today was really great, maja came to my house after school and then we took some photos of me for her photography homework. :) the photos will come up soon.  the weather was great (hot and sunny)



Monday, 28 March 2011

and we build a castle in the sky and in the sand

it was a pretty normal school day.  so no reason to say anything about it.  :P

i wore this outfit a couple of days ago.   hope you like it.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

what time is it? summer time!

this weekend was soo great!
it started getting awesome when we didnt get any english homework.  maybe im a little to over excited about that, but english homework always takes ages! on friday i didnt really do a lot apart from making sushi and the eat it! (how i told you in my last post. :D)

next day our friend came along and hes a stylist!  well he cut my moms hair and stuff...  and then he wanted to do something with my hair. i didnt really know what, but when it gets to hair i totally trust him. :D he put 5 huge curler into my hair.  it ended up looking so old school! :)

after that successful beauty day i went to maja house. :)  there we watched two movies.  one which was really scary,  i think it was called prom night or something and the other one was a classic chickflick.  guess what it was called... :D  cinderella story!  theyre both great and worth watching them.

then we talked a little about i dunno...   stuff. :D  we went to bed pretty late...

today maja, her mother and siblings and my family went to this beach restaurant.  it was pretty warm but cloudy... :S   but at least it got hotter!  tomorrow its supposed to be 17°C  but... lets just wait right?!  maja took some photos of me and i took some of her and  her brother playing football.  :P 

have a nice week 



Shirt: h&m || shorts: levi’s || glasses: rayban

Saturday, 26 March 2011

mamas exhibition.


these are the photos i took on my mothers exhibition last sunday.  slightly late but... :D
there were so many weird people but it was great!

This is NOT my iPhone, its my friends. ;)

wohoo!  nice hair right. :D

I must say, this photo is pretty amazing!

blazer and hairband:h&m ||  dress:o&o || shoes:zara

Friday, 25 March 2011


hello. :)
here are the photos i took at merlinas birthday party. :)
it was sooo much fun! and the light turned amazing when it got dark outside!

tonight im gonna eat sushi which was made by mama and my stepdad and me. :)  im so excited. sushi is just my favourite food.

have a wonderful weekend.

oh yes im a proud owner of my DIY shirt. :)  first DIY project ever! 

birthday girl.  :)   


thats the amazing lightening

levi being a G.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Ibiza Town

Hello. :)

remember my last post when i told you i went to town?  
Well, my Mama took some photos of me and she has done a good job.  It was pretty dark but you can still see me a little right?
Merlinas Party on Saturday was great!  We went bowling which was really fun.  :)
On Sunday there was my Mamas exhibition, it was successful and nice.  Some friend of mine came along and there was Sushi which makes every day awesome!!

I might post some photos about Mamas exhibition and Merlinas party.


blazer and shoes: h&m  ||  shirt: calvin klein  ||  shorts: levi’s

Saturday, 19 March 2011

on thursday it was my friends birthday and im going to her party tonight! :)
yesterday i went to town to get her a present and i got one! :)
here is the outfit i wore on tuesday.  
have a nice weekend!

shirt:i love NY, shorts: levis, shoes: LOVEIT,  socks:h&m

Monday, 14 March 2011


my weekend was alright...  I ended up not going to flower power because it was on saturday, and i wanted to go to the fleamarket,  and i couldnt if i would have gone to flower power...
it was pretty nice and i bought a really cool jeans. :)
now i got to go and do my homework!
have a nice week!

dress: h&m, sunglasses: rayban, denimjacket: patrizia pepe

Friday, 11 March 2011


today i took these photos really quickly...
i know the third one is kinda scary...  but anyway, i like how i just peek through there... :D
tomorrow i will be going to the flower power street party if it does not rain...
so...  i dunno what to wear yet.  any idea??
 here is a great song!
i really love the kooks!  they are so amazing and last summer i went to one of their concerts. :)
have a great night!

shirt and skirt:h&m, jacket: custo barcelona, shoes: zara